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Eldway was born out of the importance of finding a senior care facility that matches the specific needs of a prospective resident.  Simply put, we couldn’t find a resource that could adequately provide this info.  

So, we built it.

But our story began long before we made the decision to create such a valuable tool…


We believe every person deserves the best care possible. 


Our team has worked within all phases of elderly care – from managing adult family homes – to working at large nursing facilities with hundreds of residents.  

Throughout this experience of working directly with families as well as care providers, we learned first hand about the many challenges that families face when trying to find a provider who can meet the specific needs of their loved one.

Dr. Ioana Hall
Doctorate in Nursing Practice
Seattle University, Class of 2021

A message from our co-founder

I’ve dedicated the last 15 years to the healthcare industry, specifically to senior care, and I slowly realized that I need to continue to evolve in order to further impact this industry.

Becoming a Registered Nurse adds to the level of significance of education and continued growth and development. Transitioning from a certified nurse assistant into a registered nurse, allowed me to better understand the needs of my community.

Old age brings the process of transitioning to the after life and it can be long and bewildering, lonely and painful, frequently undignified, and consumed by pressing and unpredictable needs.

Thus, my job as a caretaker and a nurse is to ease that pain and to care not only for the patient but for the family as well. I need to holistically assess and address all psychological and spiritual needs while caring for the physical ones. I must recognize anxiety, depression and help nurturing the grief process, while building resilience, empathy, and optimism.

Within the next 20 years there’s going to be a huge demand for elderly care. The need to plan for it is increasing and so does the number of facilities that offer care to the elderlies.

I can testify to the importance of finding a long term care that matches your own because I’ve seen and worked in all types of facilities from assisting living, nursing homes and adult family homes.However, this planning can be overwhelming and strenuous. Therefore, I decided to invest my time into creating a website that will hopefully ease out this process of planning for long term care.

This website is the answer to many of your questions and will provide you with a comprehensive list of the different types of long and short term care.  And, if you have any feedback regarding how we can improve this site then please send us an email at