Service will be determined based upon a written assessment made by a qualified assessor and obtained prior to the residen;t admission to the facility.
The basic service rate incudes the following accommodation and service.
- Room; we have 4 bed rooms these are private/ semi —private rooms. The room includes space for storage of clothing and we have separet storage.
- Reasonable access to a non —pay telephone in area that affords privacy to the resident.
- Laundry service will be provided as needed, sheet,and pillowcases will be laundered weekly or more frequently as needed.
- Meals the facility will provide a minimum of 3 nutritious meals in a 24 hour period.
- Nutritious snacks will be available to the resident to the between meals, in the evening, and as needed.
- Activites at the saron afh , indoors and outdoor in the community, church, synagogue, mosque,clubs, social, hobbies, crafts and any activity meaningful to and preferred by the resident.
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